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  1. Beiträge anzeigen #41
    Bücherwolf  Avatar von HerrFenrisWolf
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    in one of the screenshot in CSP website, if i'm not seeing things, i think there's a ship near that stranded island near bakaresh anybody else seeing this?
    I can see it too .

  2. Beiträge anzeigen #42
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    Is it really Esmeralda? I'd love to see that marvelous ship again in G3.

  3. Beiträge anzeigen #43
    Sapere aude  Avatar von Jünger des Xardas
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    Let's see if the CSP change the knight and paladin armour textures.
    We do. Though the changes on the paladin armour aren't that big.
    Zitat Zitat von C-Hawk Beitrag anzeigen
    As there are changes done to armours I want to add:
    I expect different groups to have very distinctive armours: Gothic 1 and 2 stylish.
    IMO there wasn't much difference between:
    Rebel and Merc armour,
    Hvy rebel and Hvy Merc armour
    Paladin and Orc armour, only colour difference IMO
    Between the light rebel and merc-armour versions there was more difference but still not very much.
    Look here for checking.
    We can't make new armours. We have to work with what is there.
    Zitat Zitat von andorian22 Beitrag anzeigen
    Instead of using the same old landscapes I'd like to see
    totally new worlds. Is the landscape editor THAT difficult
    to use?
    No it's not THAT difficult, it's impossible to use.
    But seriously is there anything wrong with the world in general? Is that really what matters? Do we really need any change in the landscapes?
    I'd like to see a whole new G2
    Then you are compleatly wrog here. Maybe you should check the Open Mod. They are trying to make a new G2. We are improving G3.
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    Can you upload a picture of a mercenary?
    We won't just upload a screen. There are news from time to time but that's all you are going to see. Besides I'm not sure if the mercenary armour will stay the way it is at the moment.
    Or can someone just tell me/us if all the armors atm have no (special) colouring?
    Mercenaries: blue
    Rebel armours are silver/red, mercenary armours are golden/blue. We won't change that. There's no need to do so.
    I wish there was another name for the rebels, as they actually had a good title in G2, I mean: In Gothic 1 they were thieves, in Gothic 3 they are called by every non-rebel: ''rebels''
    The mercenaries kept their title all through the games, they even got something added: Orc mercenary.
    Sorry but it's stupid to compare the factions of G3 with those of G1 or G2. The mercenarys of G2 were the same as in G1. The orc mercenerays are a compleatly different group. Same with the rebels: They are more or less the same as the paladins in G2 but the don't have anything to do with the guys from the Old Camp. And as a matter of fact they ARE rebels in G3 so i don't get why we should change anything about the name.

  4. Beiträge anzeigen #44
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    in one of the screenshot in CSP website, if i'm not seeing things, i think there's a ship near that stranded island near bakaresh anybody else seeing this?
    Good eye
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  5. Beiträge anzeigen #45
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    IMO the landscapes and armours are OK the way they are. There's no need to waste time working on those aspects. What you need to concentrate on is the story.

    As for the name of the faction, I think rebels works pretty fine. Those guys can't be called thieves or rogues, because they're not that. They're rebels, as in they rebel against the orcish rule.

  6. Beiträge anzeigen #46
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    I like anything new, but I would just like exploring new environments

  7. Beiträge anzeigen #47
    Sword Master Avatar von C-Hawk
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    @Jünger des Xardas: I have to admit: you're right they; are rebellious, as the orcs are the victors.

    Rebel armours are silver/red, mercenary armours are golden/blue. We won't change that. There's no need to do so.
    Indeed I like it the way it is, but on the screenshots there was no colouring - as the true ''armor'' we have seen was from the Ortega guard.
    And from the 4th picture guy:
    He's a merchant of some kind(looks rebel)
    Or am I mistaken?

    btw: I like the new colouring of the Assassins merchants

    @ship on the horizon: I expect it's the Esmeralda, and that there are some quests related to her, as the pirates are coming back and they stole her.

    @people who hope for armor changes, request some other guy on the forum to make one, or make it yourself. But first see if you (dis)like CSP's as they could still change some (small) things.
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  8. Beiträge anzeigen #48
    Local Hero Avatar von DonPhoenix
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    @ship on the horizon: I expect it's the Esmeralda, and that there are some quests related to her, as the pirates are coming back and they stole her.
    It's not there without a good reason, that's for sure.

    @people who hope for armor changes, request some other guy on the forum to make one, or make it yourself. But first see if you (dis)like CSP's as they could still change some (small) things.
    If I'm not mistaken, you're the one who requested armor changes, lol.
    I've had a really bad day and I have to relieve my tension. Hold still...

  9. Beiträge anzeigen #49
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    I suppose this is going to prolong the release date?

  10. Beiträge anzeigen #50
    Knight Commander
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    I think it will, unfortunately.
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  11. Beiträge anzeigen #51
    Local Hero Avatar von DonPhoenix
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    Most likely. But we can be happy the project is still running I wish CSP good luck, and also their ex fellow worker/ leader
    I've had a really bad day and I have to relieve my tension. Hold still...

  12. Beiträge anzeigen #52
    Sapere aude  Avatar von Jünger des Xardas
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    Zitat Zitat von andorian22 Beitrag anzeigen
    I like anything new, but I would just like exploring new environments
    Will will explore a whole new world. It will be like the vellay of mines in G2: You know every part of it but everything has changed.
    Zitat Zitat von C-Hawk Beitrag anzeigen
    Indeed I like it the way it is, but on the screenshots there was no colouring - as the true ''armor'' we have seen was from the Ortega guard.
    And from the 4th picture guy:
    He's a merchant of some kind(looks rebel)
    Or am I mistaken?
    If you think he's a rebel then you ARE mistaken
    btw: I like the new colouring of the Assassins merchants
    It's no new colouring for the merchants. Only a few people will wear this. Who, I won't reveal.

    Zitat Zitat von shunkashunka Beitrag anzeigen

    I suppose this is going to prolong the release date?
    No it isn't.
    Impi hasn't worked on the project itself (anymore) but on the teamleading. Of course we'll miss him but it's still working without him. So there's no need to worry.

  13. Beiträge anzeigen #53
    Sword Master Avatar von C-Hawk
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    If I'm not mistaken, you're the one who requested armor changes, lol.
    I did indeed, but well, it was just a thought.
    But as they are going to change the Paladin armor its fine with me, they are going to, or not?

    If you think he's a rebel then you ARE mistaken
    Interesting, yes... very interesting. Hope to see more soon.

    @Impidimpi, you have probably been a great leader, to bad you have other - more important - things to attent to and good luck.
    Arcadia - A click and win tale

  14. Beiträge anzeigen #54
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    any news?

  15. Beiträge anzeigen #55
    Local Hero Avatar von DonPhoenix
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    any news?
    Check out official site, if there aren't any news then -patience- my friend.
    I've had a really bad day and I have to relieve my tension. Hold still...

  16. Beiträge anzeigen #56
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Indeed. I bet they have something special to show for Christmas.
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  17. Beiträge anzeigen #57
    Ranger Avatar von Alecs
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    Indeed. I bet they have something special to show for Christmas.
    yeah, maybe the mod itself

    one can only hope

  18. Beiträge anzeigen #58
    Local Hero Avatar von DonPhoenix
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    yeah, maybe the mod itself

    one can only hope
    If you'd rather have uncompleted mod, then yeah. I think they're aiming somewhere in the end of 2012 if I'm not mistaken, but even they can't know for sure.
    I've had a really bad day and I have to relieve my tension. Hold still...

  19. Beiträge anzeigen #59
    Ranger Avatar von Alecs
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    If you'd rather have uncompleted mod, then yeah. I think they're aiming somewhere in the end of 2012 if I'm not mistaken, but even they can't know for sure.
    didn't say that

    how can you know that the mod isn't in the final stage and that they will make us this present for Christmas?
    as i said, one can hope

  20. Beiträge anzeigen #60
    Deus Avatar von WernerTWC
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    how can you know that the mod isn't in the final stage and that they will make us this present for Christmas?
    as i said, one can hope
    They have planned a beta-test for around (and guessed) 3 months, you shouldn't hope for a nearby release until there is no bete-testing of it.

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